Here is my say on my Spirit Bay experience.
When I was a young boy at the start of my acting career, I remember my Mom taking me to an audition for a new TV series called 'Spirit Bay'. I remember sitting in the room with the two Producers Paul and Eric not realizing that something special was going to happen to me. We had a long conversation about various things and I read the sides they gave me before 'the' audition for the role of Rabbit. Usually auditions are awkward to say the least but as I read those lines something resonated in me that connected me to this character. Not knowing it at the time only to realize it years later but this character 'Rabbit' was me. Not that I was a Native boy who moved from foster home to foster home growing up in the big city only to find his roots where he belonged on the rez, but this young naive, mischievous boy looking for answers and a place to fit in was me, Trevor.
Even  though this was my first big role and I was a very young inexperienced actor, it felt natural to be 'Rabbit' and I had no problem becoming him because he was me. There are many stories and memories I have throughout the years we filmed Spirit Bay. I remember being welcomed into the community and the homes of the residents living on the rez, I remember how friendly and giving everyone was. Trevor the 'city kid' quickly made friends and began to fit in with my new cast mates and supporting crew made of mostly of locals and 'rez'idents. There was a feeling of pride among my new friends, something I hadn't learned yet. I remember after wrapping each season, saying goodbye and coming back to Toronto and the fast paced city life where I found myself wondering what everyone was doing at that moment and missing my Spirit Bay family.
Growing up with my mom in a single parent household I never had that male direction and influence in my life, guiding me to be a man and keep me in check. Without a father figure encouraging me or saying "good job" or "don't do that again", I learned through trial and error without any blueprints or clear direction. My Mom is truly an amazing woman but a boy needs a man to relate to, confide in and learn from and this I had through being Rabbit. I worked with some very talented Actors who helped me learn on set but also helped me learn in life often giving me advice on things I asked and direction I sometimes needed. You see, for me Spirit Bay wasn't a 'gig' it was my childhood and an experience that helped shape who I am today in so many ways. I am so very thankful to the creators of Spirit Bay Paul and Eric, who took a chance on a young actor named Trevor Smith, not knowing that their decision would impact my life the way it has. Spirit Bay launched my acting career and my life from that point on.
I often think of my days on the set of Spirit Bay and the friends I made along the way. I hope all is well with them and their families, it would be great if our paths once again crossed. Spirit Bay had an episode called 'Circle of Life', wouldn't it be nice if we could come full circle and come together reuniting after a lifetime since hearing the words "That's a wrap". That would be nice.
Thank You for remembering Spirit Bay and for the opportunity to tell my story.
Trevor "Rabbit" Smith

 Tre Smith

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" Immanuel Kant.


Have a wonderful Day!!